Ramon gun - TIRO POLICE article
Diego CohenPeriodic revisions published:
1. Amendment El Independiente 26.1.2023
2. Correction El Español 1.26.2023
3. Amendment OKDIARIO 26.1.2023
4. Infodefense amendment 27.1.2023
5. Correction 20 minutes 2.1.2023
The gun manufacturer Ramon rejects the criticism of the Civil Guard unions:
"In the tests, he scored more points than the Glock" - https://www.20minutos.es /.../ akdah-ramon-maker.../
6. Correction of Cuatro Television - on video on 30.1.2023
No, we don't get paid for protecting a Ramon gun, what's more, we haven't even tested it, it's true that people very close to us and with a lot of experience in the field of shooting have tried it and they didn't have it. Problems, to be precise, one chimney failure in a day where between 250/300 shots were fired, something typical for any short gun.
For this reason, we did not speak for good or bad, but we did not see the comments made towards a weapon that was not even tested fairly. We realized that there is no need to pay attention to publications in the media since they are not particularly neutral when it comes to expressing opinions on depending on which articles, and less experts in the field, now they had to correct and they did then it had to be done.
We published a very criticized post in which we started a thread in which everyone who really tried to give their opinion was encouraged and invited, it remained empty, no one wrote, but the reviews were plentiful.
The same thing unfortunately happens with many colleagues who give their opinion and carry material, letting themselves be swayed by the masses and not by their own experience or experiences, that's how it goes.
Police equipment and weapons are not decorative accessories such as hanging dice from the rear view mirror of the car, you need to take them seriously and try them before you give your opinion or buy them and much more carry them because life can go to them.
Good sense, that's what the post was about, good sense.